Visual Development
Turn your ideas into reality without writing any code.

Even if you are an experienced developer or a business analyst using the low-code tool will speed up your development process.
Using the tool will help you to quickly adapt and respond to fast changing business conditions.

How it works
The tool contains building blocks called components, these could be anything from File transfer, reading a queue or formatting a date. The components will allow you to prompt for values and limit your choices, thus minimizing user errors. Whatever you want to do, there’s a component for that!
Putting these components together will become a script which can be triggered by timers, web requests, queue events etc.
If you are a java developer you can create your own classes and call them from the low code tool.
All accessible from a web browser!
Visual Components
Increase Code Quality
No more misspellings, prompt real values.
Share your script and let colleagues help you simultaneously. .
Reduce Maintenance
Prebuilt components reduces integration issues and result in less code.
Reduce development cost
Drag & drop will help you build integrations faster
Auto deployment
Just click play, no deployment needed.

Software Maintenance
Modifying software to keep it working in a changing business and IT environment can be challenging. Software maintenance is almost always the biggest cost of ownership. Studies suggest that 60-80% of the total cost is maintenance.
In Netlang we separate data sources and definitions from being hard-coded to centralized storage, one single place to maintain them. All scripts are versioned so that you can keep track of changes.